Finding a home in human design began with a journey back to myself. In 2020 I turned inwards and began to seek understanding of my physical body. I learned its innate wisdom and its connection to my mind, which brought me into my power. This embodiment practice — coupled with a lifelong fascination with outer space — led me to discover human design and launch Worthy Heart.

Worthy Heart offers intuitive coaching and education rooted in the insightful wisdom of Human Design. My mission is to guide you in unlocking the secrets of your energetic blueprint, empowering you to embrace your truest self and fulfill your highest potential. Together, we will illuminate your unique path through intuitively crafted coaching methods that will help you navigate life with clarity, confidence, and purpose. 

Ready to embark on your embodiment journey and discover your magic?

Madalyn Freeman, Owner & Founder

2/4 Splenic Projector

Your Intuitive Human Design Coach

My Superpowers - intuitive insight - open heart - holding space - sparking change - discovering what's possible


My Superpowers - intuitive insight - open heart - holding space - sparking change - discovering what's possible 〰️