Answering all your Human Design FAQs

  • A: Human Design is the science of differentiation. It gives you a framework of how your energetic body is designed to operate in the world around you, which helps you learn how to best optimize your life and live with ease.

    Human Design combines the follow ancient modalities with the modern science of neutrinos and biochemistry:

    Western Astrology / Magnetic Monopole

    Chinese I’Ching / Genetics

    Hindu Brahmin Chakra System / Quantum Mechanics

    Kabbalist Tree of Life / Astronomy

    Neutrinos / Biochemistry

  • A: Human Design can serve many purposes in your life, as it helps you deepen your self awareness and find acceptance & self love. Additionally, Human Design could help you:

    Understand how your energetic body is affected by society

    Identify patterns that may be holding you back from your highest potential

    Learn how to decondition from what you are “supposed” to do or be

    Embody your highest potential

    Find harmony in your relationships

    Increase your magnetism

    Live your unique life’s purpose

  • A: Human Design Coaching is a practice that combines principles of the Human Design system with coaching methodologies to help you understand yourself better, make decisions aligned with your unique Strategy & Authority, and live a more fulfilling and embodied life.

    As your coach, I will guide you in understanding your unique design and how it influences various aspects of your life where you may need it most, such as your life purpose & career, your relationship with yourself or others, your personal energy levels, or deconditioning yourself from society’s expectations.

  • A: I believe everyone can benefit from Human Design Coaching, but it may be right for you if:

    You are curious about understanding yourself in a different way

    You are looking for new insights about yourself that you may not be able to see on your own

    You are willing to do the inner and outer work to show up fully for yourself

    You are deeply invested in your growth on this planet

    Sound like you? Book your free discovery call here.